
Changed by Yuranga Weerakkody, 9 Nov 2015

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Aneurysms are focal abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel. They typically occur in arteries, venous aneurysms are rare. Aneurysms may also occur in the heart.


Pathological types
  1. true aneurysm
  2. false aneurysm (or pseudoaneurysm)

Morphologically there are two main types of aneurysms. The morphology is not specific for any cause:

  1. saccular aneurysm: eccentric, involving only a portion of the circumference of the vessel wall
  2. fusiform aneurysm: concentric, involving full circumference of the vessel wall

Occasionally a 3rd3rd type,serpentine aneurysm has been classified as a separate entiity 3.

  • rupture
  • distal thromboembolism
  • pressure effects

See also

  • -<li>infection: <a href="/articles/mycotic-aneurysm">mycotic aneurysm</a>, syphilis (<a href="/articles/luetic-aneurysm">luetic aneurysm</a>)</li>
  • +<li>infection: <a href="/articles/mycotic-aneurysm">mycotic aneurysm</a>, syphilis (<a href="/articles/luetic-aneurysm">luetic aneurysm</a>)</li>
  • -</ol><p>Occasionally a 3rd type, <strong>serpentine aneurysm</strong> has been classified as a separate entiity <sup>3</sup>.</p><h5>Complications</h5><ul>
  • +</ol><p>Occasionally a 3<sup>rd</sup> type, <strong>serpentine aneurysm</strong> has been classified as a separate entiity <sup>3</sup>.</p><h5>Complications</h5><ul>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/coronal-artery-aneurysm">coronal artery aneurysm</a></li>
  • +<li><a title="Coronary arterial aneurysm" href="/articles/coronary-artery-aneurysm">coronary artery aneurysm</a></li>
Images Changes:

Image 2 CT (VRT) ( update )

Caption was changed:
Basilar Tip Aneurysmtip aneurysm

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