Fibromuscular dysplasia

Changed by Matt Andrews, 7 Mar 2015

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Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a heterogenous group of vascular lesions characterised by a non-inflammatory, non-atherosclerotic angiopathy of medium-sized arteries.


Most common in young women with a female to male ratio of 3:1. It typically is diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50 4.

Clinical presentation

FMD is frequently asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients commonly present with hypertension due to renal artery stenosis, or less commonly renal impairment.  They may also present ischaemia due to narrowing of other vessels, for example stroke.


The exact cause is non wellnot well known. The underlying pathology is fibrous or fibromuscular thickening of the arterial wall. Any layer of the vessel wall may be affected: intima, media or adventitia. 


FMD is classified into 5 categories according to the vessel wall layer affected:

  • intima: 5% 4
    • 1: intimal fibroplasia
  • media: 90-95% 4
    • 2: medial fibroplasia  (70%, commonest type)
    • 3: medial hyperplasia  (8-10%)
    • 4: perimedial ( subadventitial ) fibroplasia  (15-20%)
  • adventitia: rare 4
    • 5: adventital fibroplasia  (1%)

The outcome is arterial stenoses. FMD most commonly causes small stenoses along a vessel with intervening areas of dilatation (small aneurysms), creating a “string of beads” appearance. Less commonly the stenosis has a smooth tapered appearance.  FMD also weakens the vessel wall which predisposes to dissection.


Although FMD may affect any medium sized artery in the body, and is commonly multifocal and bilateral, some sites are very frequently involved:

  • renal arteries (one of the commonest sites of involvement)
  • extracranial internal carotid arteries
  • vertebral arteries
  • iliac arteries
  • mesenteric arteries
  • spontaneous dissection
  • distal embolisation (of thrombus formed in aneurysm)
  • aneurysm rupture

Radiographic features

Arterial imaging with CT angiography, MR angiography and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) may be used to visualise the lesions in FMD. Selective DSA is the gold standard because it allows visualisation of small or peripheral lesions.  The characteristic finding is alternating stenoses and dilatations, causing a string of beads appearance 5.  Less commonly smooth tapering of affected vessel or dissection may be seen.  Cross-sectional imaging (CT and MRI) allows assessment of end-organ ischaemic damage.

Treatment and prognosis

FMD responds well to angioplasty, with high long-term patency rates.  A stent is generally not required.  

Differential diagnosis

Imaging differential considerations include:

  • -<p><strong>Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD)</strong> is a heterogenous group of vascular lesions characterised by a non-inflammatory, non-atherosclerotic angiopathy of medium-sized arteries.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Most common in young women with a female to male ratio of 3:1. It typically is diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50 <sup>4</sup>.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>FMD is frequently asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients commonly present with hypertension due to <a href="/articles/renal-artery-stenosis">renal artery stenosis</a>, or less commonly renal impairment.  They may also present ischaemia due to narrowing of other vessels, for example stroke.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>The exact cause is non well known. The underlying pathology is fibrous or fibromuscular thickening of the arterial wall. Any layer of the vessel wall may be affected: intima, media or adventitia. </p><h5>Classification </h5><p>FMD is classified into 5 categories according to the vessel wall layer affected:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD)</strong> is a heterogenous group of vascular lesions characterised by a non-inflammatory, non-atherosclerotic angiopathy of medium-sized arteries.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Most common in young women with a female to male ratio of 3:1. It typically is diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50 <sup>4</sup>.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>FMD is frequently asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients commonly present with hypertension due to <a href="/articles/renal-artery-stenosis">renal artery stenosis</a>, or less commonly renal impairment.  They may also present ischaemia due to narrowing of other vessels, for example stroke.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>The exact cause is not well known. The underlying pathology is fibrous or fibromuscular thickening of the arterial wall. Any layer of the vessel wall may be affected: intima, media or adventitia. </p><h5>Classification </h5><p>FMD is classified into 5 categories according to the vessel wall layer affected:</p><ul>

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