Mineralising microangiopathy

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 9 Oct 2020

Mineralising microangiopathy is a condition characterised by parenchymal cerebral calcifications and is usually seen in children as a complication of cranial radiotherapy and chemotherapy 1,2.

Radiographic features

Mineralising microangiopathy can affect the brain widely, with typical sites involved including 3:


CT typically shows calcification in the affected region.


MRI is less sensitive as calcifications are generally not well demonstrated on conventional MRI sequences. T2* sequences, particularly susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) will demonstrate magnetic susceptibility artifacts in affected areas. 

  • T1: may show paradoxical hyperintensity in the region of calcification due to surface relaxation mechanism 2
  • T2: often inapparent on spin echo sequences
  • SWI: signal loss

Differential diagnosis

General imaging differential considerations for corticomedullary calcifications are:

Causes of basal ganglia calcification are discussed separately. 

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