
Changed by Ayush Goel, 29 Apr 2015

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Osteopetrosis,or, or Albers-Schonberg disease,is a rare hereditary disorder that results from defective osteoclasts. Bones become sclerotic and thick, but their abnormal structure results in them being both weak and brittle.

There are two separate sub types of osteopetrosis:

Clinical presentation

Presentation in the majority of cases is with fracture because of the weakened bones. They are often transverse fractures with multiple areas of callus formation and normal healing.

Additionally, there is crowding of the marrow, so bone marrow function is affected resulting in myelophthisic anaemia and extramedullary haematopoiesis with splenomegaly. This may terminate in acute leukaemia.


Both forms are congenital abnormalities with localised chromosomal defects. These result in defective osteoclasts and overgrowth of bone. The bones become thick and sclerotic, but their increased size does not improve their strength. Instead, their disordered architecture, results in weak and brittle bones. The osteoclasts lack carbonic anhydrase which may play a role in the disease.

Radiographic features

The features are dependant on the sub type of osteopetrosis and are detailed in the individual articles:

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment is with bone marrow transplant and resultant normalization of bone production. Prognosis for the AD adult subtype is good with a normal life expectancy. However, the AR infantile sub type can result in stillbirth or death in infancy: few patients live past middle-age.

Differential diagnosis

General imaging differential considerations include:

  • -<p><strong>Osteopetrosis</strong>,or <strong>Albers-Schonberg disease<em>,</em></strong><em> </em>is a rare hereditary disorder that results from defective <a href="/articles/osteoclasts">osteoclasts</a>. Bones become sclerotic and thick, but their abnormal structure results in them being both weak and brittle.</p><p>There are two separate sub types of osteopetrosis:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Osteopetrosis</strong>, or <strong>Albers-Schonberg disease<em>,</em></strong><em> </em>is a rare hereditary disorder that results from defective <a href="/articles/osteoclasts">osteoclasts</a>. Bones become sclerotic and thick, but their abnormal structure results in them being both weak and brittle.</p><p>There are two separate sub types of osteopetrosis:</p><ul>
  • -</ul><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Treatment is with bone marrow transplant and resultant normalization of bone production. Prognosis for the AD adult subtype is good with a normal life expectancy. However, the AR infantile sub type can result in stillbirth or death in infancy: few patients live past middle-age.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>General imaging differential considerations include</p><ul>
  • +</ul><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Treatment is with bone marrow transplant and resultant normalization of bone production. Prognosis for the AD adult subtype is good with a normal life expectancy. However, the AR infantile sub type can result in stillbirth or death in infancy: few patients live past middle-age.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>General imaging differential considerations include:</p><ul>
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Image 6 MRI (T2) ( update )

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Case 5 -: T2

Image 12 CT (bone window) ( update )

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Case 18 -11: involving the skull vault
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Image 13 X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

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Case 12 -: with thoracic involvement
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Image 14 ( update )

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Case 13 -: on MRI
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Image 15 MRI (T2) ( update )

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Image 16 X-ray ( update )

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Case 15 -: autosomal dominant form
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Image 17 X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

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 Case 16 -: with pathological fracture
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Image 18 X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

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Case 17 -: on chest radiograph
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