This patient went on to have a total gastrectomy after the stomach tumour was identified on gastroscopy. 


MACROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: The specimen is a total gastrectomy. Arising from the body of the mucosa at the  anterolateral aspect is a large friable tan centrally ulcerated round polypoid tumour mass 65 mm in diameter with markedly heaped up edges. At the  site of  the tumour  the serosal  surface shows marked indrawing,  roughening and  there is adherent fat.   Macroscopically the tumour  appears to extend through the wall to the serosal surface.  

MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: The tumour is  adenocarcinoma with  abundant gland  formation and mucin secretion  (so-called intestinal  type).  It  infiltrates  through the full thickness of stomach wall into adjacent  fat.  The surface is ulcerated and covered  by  abundant  necrotic  and  inflammatory   debris  with  abundant bacteria.  Focally the  tumour cells infiltrate as  large solitary atypical cells and although the bulk of the  tumour is moderately differentiated, at worst the tumour is  considered poorly differentiated.

DIAGNOSIS: moderately and focally poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma
