Bicipitoradial bursitis

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel , 26 Oct 2016
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Maulik S Patel, 10 Feb 2022

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
Non-traumaticAtraumatic origin of anterior elbow swelling -for the last 4 -to 6 wksweeks.
Body was changed:

Findings of bicipito-radial bicipitoradial bursitis with normaldistal biceps tendon. The distal biceps tendon does have a tendon sheath so any fluid around it shouldn't be misinterpreted as tenosynovitis.

  • -<p>Findings of bicipito-radial bursitis with normal distal biceps tendon.</p>
  • +<p>Findings of bicipitoradial <a href="/articles/bursitis">bursitis</a> with normal <a href="/articles/distal-biceps-tendon">distal biceps tendon</a>. The distal biceps tendon does have a tendon sheath so any fluid around it shouldn't be misinterpreted as <a href="/articles/tenosynovitis">tenosynovitis</a>.</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is encysted fluid with echoes and septa around the distal biceps tendon. It also abutts abuts a radius near biceps insertion. There is no No vascularity in the lesion. Distal Normal echopattern of the distal biceps tendon. No effusion in the anterior elbow recesses. The patent brachial artery is normalan ultrasound landmark for localization of the distal biceps tendon. There is no elbow effusion. Brachial artery is patent Normal echopattern of the median nerve locally.

Images Changes:

Image Ultrasound (Long and short axis images) ( update )

Perspective was set to Long and short axis images.

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