MACROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: A core of pale tan tissue measuring 8mm  in  length  and  1mm  in  diameter  and multiple fragments less than 1mm each measuring in aggregate 3 x 2 x 1mm.

MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Sections of lung biopsy shows alveolar spaces containing multiple rounded/ovoid to slightly irregular shaped yeast-like forms.  They are of variable  size  and there appears to be a capsule.  No obvious inflammatory reaction is noted.  No granulomas and no acid fast bacilli are noted.  No evidence  of  malignancy  is identified.     

DIAGNOSIS: Lung biopsy :  Fungal elements seen.  Appearance raises suggestion of Cryptoccoccus. Please correlate with microbiology.



Specimen site  Left lung biopsy

Microscopy     Fungal elements seen

Gram Stain     ++ Polymorphs, No organisms seen

Culture        + Cryptococcus neoformans
