Histopathology report:

The sections of the cervix shows surface epithelium is squamous, glandular or both. The glandular epithelium resembles papillary endocervicitis. The glandular epithelium on the surface is tall columnar endocervical mucinous type with basally oriented regular nuclei with hardly any cytologic atypia. The glandular crypts are of varying sizes and shapes. These cysts are filled with mucin. There is no single cell tumour infiltration of the stroma. The glandular crypts are seen to extend into the outer third of the wall of cervix but there is no extracervical extension. The lesion extends from the endocervix to the transformation zone. The exocervix and endomyometrium are spared. 

Diagnosis - Adenoma malignum (endocervical mucinous type).
