Adrenocorticotropin independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia (AIMAH)


Laboratory data:

  • serum glucose (on admission): 15.90 mmol/L
  • HbA1c: 7.40 %
  • C-peptide: 3.09 ng/mL
  • cortisol (8.00): 14.8 µg/dl
  • cortisol (22.00): 14.2 µg/dl
  • 24h Cortisol in urine: 777 µg
  • AKTH: <1.00 pg/ml

Brain MRI showed no evidence of pituitary microadenoma.

Patient underwent laparoscopic left side adrenalectomy.

Pathologist conclusion was:

  • Macroscopically: received tissue material is cut in small pieces, excision line and fatty capsule are difficult to visualize
    • tissue size: 13 x 11 cm
    • bright yellow in color. 
  • Microscopically: Adrenal cortical clear cell nodules, with solid, trabecular composition, lacunar hemorrhages and some amount of fibrosis in stroma
    • Capsule intact
    • ICD-O code: M8370/0
  • No special immunohistological tests were performed
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