The patient went on to have a craniotomy and excision of the posterior fossa mass. 


MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Paraffin sections show a densely hypercellular tumour involving cerebellum with features of medullablastoma.  Tumour cells have small irregularly shaped hyperchromatic nuclei and form well developed Homer Wright type rosettes.  In addition there is a diffuse sheeted arrangement and a desmoplastic pattern is noted focally.  Some pale areas are also seen.  There are frequent mitotic figures and prominent apoptotic activity. A focus of confluent necrosis with dystrophic calcification is also noted.  Tumour predominantly involves cerebellar white matter but focally is seen to stream through cerebellar cortex from a persistent external granular layer. Tumour also extends to overlying leptomeninges. 

Immunohistochemistry shows strong diffuse staining for synaptophysin in tumour cells and focal weak staining for GFAP. This profile is in keeping with medulloblastoma. The topoisomerase labelling index is aprroximately 30%.

FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Medulloblastoma (WHO grade IV).
