Items tagged “sutures”

5 results found

Zygomaticomaxillary suture

The zygomaticomaxillary suture is between the zygomatic process of the maxilla and the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone. They are often involved in zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fractures.

Zygomatic bone

The zygomatic bone (also known as zygoma or malar bone) is an important facial bone that forms the prominence of the cheek. It is roughly quadrangular in shape. Gross anatomy Zygoma has three surfaces, five borders, and two processes. Surfaces anterolateral surface is convex, pierced at its ...

Petrosquamous fissure

The petrosquamous fissure is the obliquely orientated fissure between the medial petrous part and lateral squamous part of the temporal bone. Gross anatomy The anterior (ventral) petrosquamous fissure is the medial continuation of the tympanosquamous fissure and petrotympanic fissure (together...

Frontoethmoidal suture

The frontoethmoidal suture is a short cranial suture located in the anterior cranial fossa, between the orbital process of frontal and orbital plate of ethmoid bones. It forms part of the medial wall of the orbit. The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina are seen just superior to it, throu...

Mendosal suture

The mendosal suture, also known as the accessory occipital suture, is a normal calvarial suture. Gross anatomy The suture extends through the occipital bone, lying superior to the occipitomastoid suture and inferomedial to the lambdoid suture. It closes in utero or in the first few days of lif...

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