Ventral cord herniation


Ventral cord herniation is an uncommon yet potentially curable form of thoracic myelopathy characterized by progressive neurological deficits, accompanied by distinctive imaging findings 1-3. Early diagnosis facilitated by MRI can play a pivotal role in identifying the condition and enabling timely intervention, which, in turn, can potentially reduce neurological deficits 1-3. The presented case demonstrates typical radiological appearances of a ventral cord herniation subsequently confirmed through surgical exploration. 

Case courtesy

  • Ana Cristina Veiga Silva, neurosurgeon, MD - Department of Emergency

  • Diego Sousa, former radiology resident - Department of Radiology

  • Geraldo Sá MD, neurosurgeon - Department of Neurosurgery

  • Silvio Litvin MD, radiologist (retired) - Department of Radiology

  • Antonio Rodrigues de Aguiar Neto MD, radiologist - Department of Radiology

Hospital da Restauração – Recife, PE – Brazil

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