Disc extrusion

Case contributed by Sagar Patil
Diagnosis certain


Long standing low back pains associated with left lower limb pain and numbness. History of tuberculosis 2 years ago

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

L5/S1 disc is reduced in height with extrusion and mild inferior migration, cauda equina nerve root compression, left neural foraminal narrowing and spinal canal narrowing.

Modic type II change of inferior L5 endplate. Schmorl's node of L5/S1 disc.

Straightening of the lumbar spine likely due to muscle spasms.

L2 vertebral body haemangioma.

Case Discussion

Disc extrusion is a type of disc herniation where the distance between the edges of the disc material are greater than distance at the base. A disc extrusion is associated with a defect in the annulus which allows herniation of nucleus pulposus beyond the disc margin and is usually not contained.

Disc sequestration is a term used to describe the displaced disc material has lost continuity with the parent disc

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