Iatrogenic oesophageal perforation

Case contributed by Lukas Valkovic
Diagnosis certain


83 year old patient with a tumorous circular oesophageal stenosis in the upper third of the oesophagus and with clinically significant dysphagia. He underwent gastrofibroscopic dilatation with sudden onset of pain and shortness of breath.

Patient Data

Age: 83
Gender: Male

There is a pneumomediastinum with also emphysema in the neck and upper chest regions due to oesophageal perforation in its middle third rear wall.

Case Discussion

Immediately an urgent CT was performed, which verified a lesion in the oesophagus at the site of the tumour and stenosis. A self-expanding stent under fluoroscopic control was loaded. After 5 days of treatment GFS was performed, which assessed a correct position of the stent. Also a sip of contrast agent verified free passage to the stomach, with no signs of extraluminal leakage into the mediastinum. After 6 days patient could receive fluids without complications.

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