Intraventricular meningioma

Case contributed by Dr Nikola Todorovic
Diagnosis almost certain


Follow-up examination for the patient with known intraventricular mass.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

There is an expansive lesion in the atrium and posterior horn of the right lateral ventricle, which is homogenous and has a gray matter signal intensity in all sequences. There is no diffusion restriction and no signs of CSF circulation problems. After intravenous. contrast administration the lesion show strong homogeneous signal intensity enhancement.

There is also an oval 9 mm lesion temporally on the left, which has CSF signal intensity in all sequences and most probably represents a neuroglial cyst.

Case Discussion

This was a follow-up examination and the patient is asymptomatic at the moment.

On the previous MRI brain, spectroscopy was performed which shown pronounced restriction of NAA, Cho elevation with the metabolic index Cho/Cr=2.59 and presence of alanine. The lesion is described as most probable meningioma with ependymoma and subependymoma as differential diagnoses (small possibility).

There are no changes in tumour size or signal intensity characteristics on this examination, comparing it with the previous MRI.

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