Multiple liver adenomas with signs of bleeding

Case contributed by Domenico Nicoletti
Diagnosis certain


Patient with intense pain in right hypochondrium risen suddenly.

Patient Data

Age: 35
Gender: Female

Diffuse liver adenomatosis. Diameter of biggest lesion: 12cm . Signs of recent bleeding.

Confirmation of diagnosis of multiple liver adenomas with signs of recent bleeding

Case Discussion

Hepatic adenoma is a benign liver tumour that can degenerate into a malignant form.

Causes of hepatic adenoma are not entirely known. It is frequent in female subjects being treated with oral contraceptives. Other risk factors are taking anabolic steroids and some metabolic diseases. The discovery of a hepatic adenoma requires periodic checks.

When more than ten adenomas are present the term adenomatosis is used. Large-sized lesions (> 5 cm) have a potential risk of spontaneous rupture and bleeding within the lesion itself or within the abdominal cavity (i.p., resulting in the framework of haemoperitoneum).

Spontaneous breakage occurs more frequently in males who use anabolic steroids.

The treatment of choice for this type of lesion is surgical removal.

Radiographer : Lawrence Bizzeyes

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