Retropharyngeal air

Case contributed by Abhijeet Bhambure
Diagnosis probable


Foreign body sensations in the throat with difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

Lucent stripe of air in the retropharyngeal space just anterior to the vertebral bodies, extending inferiorly towards the mediastinum, superiorly to the skull base, and laterally to the right cervicothoracic soft tissue (subcutaneous emphysema).

A radiopaque line at the hypopharyngeal-laryngeal region either represents a foreign body or calcified cartilage.

Case Discussion

The patient presented with a foreign body sensation in the neck and later difficulty swallowing, pain, and swelling in the neck. A provisional diagnosis of oesophageal perforation was considered. Endoscopy was attempted, but due to gross swelling, it was then aborted. The patient was planned for a contrast-enhanced CT of the neck (not available).

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