Simple breast cyst aspiration

Case contributed by Neelam Soni
Diagnosis certain


Painful lump in the left breast

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Ultrasound at the site of patient's concern revealed a well defined simple anechoic cyst in the upper and outer quadrant of the left breast.

No internal septations or solid components noted within the cyst.

As the lump was tender, cyst aspiration was offered to the patient.

With aseptic precautions and under ultrasound guidance a fine needle was inserted into the cyst and was aspirated to dryness.

Case Discussion

Simple breast cysts are benign lesions commonly seen in pre-menopausal women. They commonly present as lumps which are sometimes associated with pain.

If the cysts are small in size and asymptomatic no further treatment or follow-up is usually required. If the patient complains of pain, tenderness or discomfort due to the large size of the cyst, they can be offered aspiration. Cysts must always be checked for internal solid components if any. Post-aspiration also, any residual contents or solid components must be looked for.

Cyst aspiration is a simple minimally invasive procedure and does not require local anaesthesia. A fine bore 21 or 22 G needle is used for aspiration. Post aspiration clear fluid can be discarded. If the fluid is blood-stained, it is sent to the laboratory for cytology evaluation.

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