Testicular seminoma

Case contributed by Abdallah Al Khateeb
Diagnosis certain


Painless right testicular enlargement over a year.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Well-defined, bilobed, heterogeneously hypoechoic right testicular mass with internal vasularity. No calcifications. No extratesticular extension.

Normal left testicle.

Case Discussion

For this previously healthy young patient with a painless vascular unilateral testicular mass, the differential considerations are fairly limited.

While the differential diagnosis of a "unilateral testicular mass" includes many non-neoplastic and neoplastic aetiologies, primary neoplasia remains the most common and important aetiology.

Seminoma typically presents as a homogeneous hypoechoic hypovascular mass. Larger seminomas, as in this case, may be heterogeneous and hypervascular.

Right orchidectomy and pathology confirmed seminoma.

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