
This is a short playlist put together for an anatomy and radiology review for the Winter Clinics 2018 in Snowmass, CO USA.  Shawn M. Vuong, MD discusses Anatomy and Radiology of the spine for the Advanced Practice Providers concurrent session.


Monday, February 26, 2018 4:00-4:30PM

This will be a gross summary of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal anatomy with focus on key structures important for spinal surgeons. Structure focus highlights will include vertebral bony anatomy, major spinal ligaments, and nerve roots paths. The radiographic correlates will be discussed and reviewed on both MRI and CT scans as appropriate. The goal of this rapid overview is to provide a quick refresher to help remind Advance Practice Providers of basic anatomical and radiographic spinal knowledge and provide a foundation for the rest of the afternoon discussions.

Playlist information:

Number of slides in playlist:10
Playlist author:Shawn

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