Ectopic ureter insertion into vagina


Radiological features represents complete duplex configuration of the right collecting system, with total upper moiety atrophy and calyceal dilatation. Ectopic right upper moiety ureter insertion into vaginal fornix.

Duplex renal collecting system is a common renal anatomical variant. In a case of complete duplication, the moieties (portions) obeys the Weigert-Meyer rule, the upper moiety ureter inserts more medial and more inferior to the lower moiety ureter and liable for obstruction. 

Ectopic insertion of the ureter is rare urinary tract anomaly, with the ureter inserting into nearby pelvic organs other than the urinary bladder such as the vagina, seminal vesicle, or urethra. MR urography is an excellent imaging modality in detection of ectopic ureter in children 1. In females, the vagina represents about 25% of sites of ectopic insertion of the ureter after upper urethra insertion (33%) and the vestibule (33%) 2.

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