Pathology Report

Clinical diagnosis and history: Excisional biopsy of mediastinal mass.

Microscopic description:

Section shows a poorly differentiated malignant tumor composed of sheets of small to medium sized cells with indiscernible to small amounts of cytoplasm and poorly defined outlines, round to elongated nuclei with salt and pepper chromatin and distinct nucleoli in a background of neutrophil- like material. Mitotic figures are increased, the tumor cells arranged in vague nodular pattern with incomplete fibrous septa in between. Focal areas of necrosis with viable tumor cells arranged around blood vessels. focal areas of large spindle pleomprphic undifferentiated cells are also seen.

Morphological features suggestive of poorly differentiated neuroblastoma. Immuno-stains are highly recommended to confirm diagnosis and to exclude other possibilities


Poorly differentiated malignant tumor with morphological features mostly consistent with poorly differentiated neuroblastoma
