Transitional meningioma of the clivus


Meningiomas are extra-axial lesions and the most common dural tumors, which are commonly found on neuroimaging 1,2. Most meningiomas are benign and classified as WHO grade I. A few are WHO grade II – atypical, or III - anaplastic/malignant 1,3. The most common histological subtypes are the meningothelial meningioma, followed by fibrous and transitional subtypes 3. Clival meningiomas are uncommon and arise close to the midline of the clivus, which are related to the brainstem, vertebral arteries, basilar artery, perforating arteries, and multiple cranial nerves 2,3,4.

This case illustrates the radiological characteristics of a clival meningioma of the transitional histological subtype, WHO I.

Case courtesy

  • Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento Neto, MD - PGY-3, Radiology Resident, Department of Radiology
  • Erick Cavalcante, MD – PGY-3, Radiology Resident, Department of Radiology
  • Ana Lúcia A Brito, MD – Pathologist, Departamento of Pathology
  • Antonio Rodrigues de Aguiar Neto, MD - Radiologist, Department of Radiology

 Hospital da Restauração – Recife, PE – Brazil

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