Ovarian torsion


Complained of colicky left lower abdominal pain that started several hours after undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI), for which she had injected herself with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) for 10 days.
Due to suspicion of left renal colic, US kidneys was done and reported as normal, except for a minute amount of free fluid in the Douglas pouch. Underwent CT abdomen (shown) for further evaluation. High suspicion for left ovarian torsion at CT prompted an urgent transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) which verified the findings at CT.

At laparoscopy, the adnexa was "twisted on itself two full turns" and was detorsed.

Interestingly, a TVUS was done right before IUI and interpreted as normal, with a corpus luteum in the left ovary.

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