Subfibular impingement syndrome


There are multiple findings in this ankle MRI.

However, the ones which are likely the cause of current clinical symptoms are:

  • marrow edema in the lateral malleolus with tiny subcortical cysts in the tip of the lateral malleolus. Mild marrow edema is also seen in the adjacent calcaneum.

  • significant subfibular soft tissue edema, thickening with narrowing of sinus tarsi and diffusely thickened calcaneofibular ligament.

  • loss of the longitudinal arch of the foot (pes planus) with a lateral tilt of calcaneum relative to the tibia (hindfoot valgus) with tendinosis of infra malleolar segments of peroneus longus and brevis tendons.

These findings suggest the possibility of subfibular impingement syndrome.

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