Wandering liver, dolichosigma, and paravertebral mass


This is a curious case, for several reasons:

  • wandering liver 1-4, which returned to the normal anatomical position on a repeat CT abdomen done several days after the second study shown here
  • paravertebral mass which appeared in the interval
  • huge prostate, having enlarged to several times its original volume in just a few months
  • extremely long dolichosigma

The liver must have had long attachments (ligaments) that enabled it to move and rotate.

As for the paravertebral mass, it was biopsied - histopathology report as follows:
Metastatic carcinoma, clear cell type, most probably of renal origin 5.
Immunostains: Positive: CA-9, EMA, CK7 (focally). Negative: CK20.

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