Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential


Pre-operative diagnosis: Right renal mass.

Procedure: Right partial nephrectomy.

Diagnosis: Multilocular clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Maximum tumor size = 5cm (4 x 4 x 5 cm). Histologic grade (FUHRMAN nuclear grade) = G2. Tumor is limited to the kidney. Margins free. Perinephric tissue, pelvicalyceal system, and adrenal gland invasion cannot be determined (no perirenal tissue, pelvicalyceal tissue & adrenal gland is submitted). Negative for capsular, vascular and perineural invasion.

Pathologic staging: pT1b, pNX, pMX.

Other findings: Non-neoplastic kidney shows chronic interstitial nephritis especially in the region adjacent to tumor.

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