Ankle (lateral view)

Changed by Tim Luijkx, 9 Nov 2015

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Ankle Lateral Viewlateral view is a standard projection to assess the ankle joint, distal tibia and fibula, talus and calcaneus.

Patient position

  • patient is in the lateral recumbent position on the table with the affected side down
  • The lateral aspect of the knee and ankle joint should be in contact with the table
  • place the opposite leg behind the injured limb to help avoid over rotation

X-ray beam features


  • collimate to include the proximal half of the metatarsals anteriorly and to the posterior skin margin
  • collimate to include the distal tibia and fibula superiorly and to the inferior skin margin

Marker placement: AP, anterior to the tibia and fibula

Grid: no

SID: 100 cm

Exposure factors: 60 kV 3 mAs

Please note:These are example exposures using a Shimadzu CR system. These may vary depending on the CR or DR system used. Patient body habitus may also have an affect on the exposure factors used.

Image critique


The distal tibia and fibula are visulisedvisualised as described. More of the proximal metatarsals could have been included.


No rotation is seen and is demonstrated by the distal fibula being superimposed over the posterior half of the tibia.


Good contrast between bone and soft tissue is seen, demonstrating appropriate exposure factors.

  • -<p><strong>Ankle Lateral View</strong> is a standard projection to assess the ankle joint, distal <a href="/articles/tibia">tibia</a> and <a href="/articles/fibula">fibula</a>, <a href="/articles/talus">talus</a> and <a href="/articles/calcaneus">calcaneus</a>.</p><h4>Patient position</h4><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Ankle lateral view</strong> is a standard projection to assess the ankle joint, distal <a href="/articles/tibia">tibia</a> and <a href="/articles/fibula">fibula</a>, <a href="/articles/talus">talus</a> and <a href="/articles/calcaneus">calcaneus</a>.</p><h4>Patient position</h4><ul>
  • -</ul><p><strong>Marker placement: </strong>AP, anterior to the tibia and fibula</p><p><strong>Grid: </strong>no</p><p><strong>SID: </strong>100 cm</p><p><strong>Exposure factors: </strong>60 kV 3 mAs</p><p>Please note:<br>These are example exposures using a Shimadzu CR system. These may vary depending on the CR or DR system used. Patient body habitus may also have an affect on the exposure factors used.</p><h4>Image critique</h4><h5>Collimation</h5><p>The distal tibia and fibula are visulised as described. More of the proximal metatarsals could have been included.</p><h5>Positioning</h5><p>No rotation is seen and is demonstrated by the distal fibula being superimposed over the posterior half of the tibia.</p><h5>Exposure</h5><p>Good contrast between bone and soft tissue is seen, demonstrating appropriate exposure factors.</p>
  • +</ul><p><strong>Marker placement: </strong>AP, anterior to the tibia and fibula</p><p><strong>Grid: </strong>no</p><p><strong>SID: </strong>100 cm</p><p><strong>Exposure factors: </strong>60 kV 3 mAs</p><p>Please note:<br>These are example exposures using a Shimadzu CR system. These may vary depending on the CR or DR system used. Patient body habitus may also have an affect on the exposure factors used.</p><h4>Image critique</h4><h5>Collimation</h5><p>The distal tibia and fibula are visualised as described. More of the proximal metatarsals could have been included.</p><h5>Positioning</h5><p>No rotation is seen and is demonstrated by the distal fibula being superimposed over the posterior half of the tibia.</p><h5>Exposure</h5><p>Good contrast between bone and soft tissue is seen, demonstrating appropriate exposure factors.</p>

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