Atoll sign (disambiguation)

Changed by Henry Knipe, 7 Sep 2015

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The atoll sign in radiology can refer to 

  • -<a title="Atoll sign - CT chest" href="/articles/reversed-halo-sign">reverse halo sign</a> (atoll in thoracic CT) </li>
  • +<a href="/articles/reversed-halo-sign">reverse halo sign</a> (atoll in thoracic CT) </li>
  • -<a title="Atoll sign - liver imaging" href="/articles/atoll-sign-liver-mri-1">atoll sign in liver MRI</a> -  suggestive of an <a title="Inflammatory hepatic adenomas" href="/articles/inflammatory-hepatic-adenoma">inflammatory hepatic adenoma</a>
  • +<a href="/articles/atoll-sign-liver-mri-1">atoll sign in liver MRI</a>: suggestive of an <a href="/articles/inflammatory-hepatic-adenoma">inflammatory hepatic adenoma</a>

Tags changed:

  • disambiguation

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