Causes of pulseless electrical activity (mnemonic)

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 13 Feb 2019

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Pulseless electrical activity is a very disconcerting emergency medical scenario with a very high mortality unless its aetiology can be quickly ascertained and corrected. A mnemonic to remember the different causes of pulseless electrical activity is:

  • MAD (triple H) CAT


  • H: hypoxia/hypothermia
  • H: hypovolaemia
  • H: hypokalaemia/hyperkalaemia

A useful way to remember the mnemonic is recalling Triple H is, one of the biggest WWE stars, and his "mad cat".

  • -<p><a href="/articles/pulseless-electrical-activity">Pulseless electrical activity</a> is a very disconcerting medical scenario with a very high mortality unless its aetiology can be quickly ascertained and corrected. A<strong> mnemonic</strong> to remember the different<strong> causes of pulseless electrical activity</strong> is:</p><ul><li><strong>MAD (triple H) CAT</strong></li></ul><h4>Mnemonic</h4><ul>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/pulseless-electrical-activity">Pulseless electrical activity</a> is a very disconcerting emergency medical scenario with a very high mortality unless its aetiology can be quickly ascertained and corrected. A<strong> mnemonic</strong> to remember the different<strong> causes of pulseless electrical activity</strong> is:</p><ul><li><strong>MAD (triple H) CAT</strong></li></ul><h4>Mnemonic</h4><ul>
  • -<strong>A: </strong>acute myocardial infarction</li>
  • +<strong>A: </strong><a title="Acute myocardial infarction" href="/articles/myocardial-infarction">acute myocardial infarction</a>
  • +</li>
  • -</ul><p>A useful way to remember the mnemonic is recalling <a href="">Triple H</a> is one of the biggest WWE stars and his "mad cat".</p>
  • +</ul><p>A useful way to remember the mnemonic is recalling Triple H, one of the biggest WWE stars, and his "mad cat".</p>

Updates to Synonym Attributes

Title was changed:
MAD (Triple H) CAT (mnemonic)

Updates to Synonym Attributes

Title was changed:
MAD HHH CAT (mnemonic)

Updates to Synonym Attributes

Title was changed:
Mad Triple H Cat (mnemonic)

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