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Computer aided diagnosis

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 12 Jun 2019

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Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD)
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Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) is the use of a computer generated output as an assisting tool for a clinician to make a diagnosis. It is different to automated computer diagnosis, wherein which the end diagnosis is based on a computer algorithm only. Computer aided diagnosis has already been used extensively within radiology, it is a powerful tool as computer algorithms and clinicians complement each other in a way which improves the accuracy of a diagnosis.

  • -<p><strong>Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD)</strong> is the use of a computer generated output as an assisting tool for a clinician to make a diagnosis. It is different to automated computer diagnosis, where the end diagnosis is based on a computer algorithm only. Computer aided diagnosis has already been used extensively within radiology, it is a powerful tool as computer algorithms and clinicians complement each other in a way which improves the accuracy of a diagnosis.</p>
  • +<p><strong>Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD)</strong> is the use of a computer generated output as an assisting tool for a clinician to make a diagnosis. It is different to automated computer diagnosis, in which the end diagnosis is based on a computer algorithm only. Computer aided diagnosis has already been used extensively within radiology, it is a powerful tool as computer algorithms and clinicians complement each other in a way which improves the accuracy of a diagnosis.</p>

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