Corticobulbar tract

Changed by Tahnee Paterson, 17 Dec 2019

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The corticobulbar (or corticonuclear) tract originateoriginates primarily in Brodmann area 4 and exits at the brainstem to synapse on the lower motor neurons of the cranial nerves, except the facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve. It is involved in the movement of the face, head and neck 1.

  • -<p>The <strong>corticobulbar</strong> (or <strong>corticonuclear</strong>) tract originate primarily in <a title="Brodmann areas" href="/articles/brodmann-areas">Brodmann area</a> 4 and exits at the <a title="Brainstem" href="/articles/brainstem">brainstem</a> to synapse on the lower motor neurons of the cranial nerves, except the <a title="Facial nerve" href="/articles/facial-nerve">facial nerve</a> and <a title="Hypoglossal nerve" href="/articles/hypoglossal-nerve">hypoglossal nerve</a>. It involved in the movement of the face, head and neck <sup>1</sup>.</p>
  • +<p>The <strong>corticobulbar</strong> (or <strong>corticonuclear</strong>) tract originates primarily in <a href="/articles/brodmann-areas">Brodmann area</a> 4 and exits at the <a href="/articles/brainstem">brainstem</a> to synapse on the lower motor neurons of the cranial nerves, except the <a href="/articles/facial-nerve">facial nerve</a> and <a href="/articles/hypoglossal-nerve">hypoglossal nerve</a>. It is involved in the movement of the face, head and neck <sup>1</sup>.</p>

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