Obturator nerve

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The obturator nerve is the major nerve of the medial compartment of the thigh. The nerve arises from the anterior divisions of L2-4 in the lumbar plexus

Gross anatomy


Within the obturator canal, it divides into anterior and posterior divisions. The anterior division exits from the obturator canal. The posterior division exits through obturator externus

Medial compartment of thigh

AdductorThe adductor brevis muscle separates the divisions of the obturator nerve:

Anterior division

Branches of the anterior division include:

  • articular branch to hip joint
  • adductor brevis
  • adductor longus
  • gracilis
  • cutaneous branch: supplies skin mid-portion of medial thigh

Posterior division

Branches of the posterior division supply:

  • obturator externus
  • adductor magnus (pubic part)
  • articular branch to knee joint: pierces oblique popliteal ligament
Subsartorial canal

Branch of the anterior division contributes to the subsartorial nerve plexus (near insertion of adductor longus).

Related pathology

Injury to the obturator nerve weakens hip adduction and contributecontributes to instability. Irritation of the nerve may result in pain in the medial thigh/knee. 

Pathology can include direct trauma (i.e. childbirth) or pelvic pathology (i.e. tumor).

Nerve entrapment can occur within the obturator canal or as the nerve pierces the obturator externus muscle

  • -<p>The <strong>obturator nerve</strong> is the major nerve of the medial compartment of the thigh. The nerve arises from the anterior divisions of L2-4 in the <a title="lumbar plexus" href="/articles/lumbar-plexus">lumbar plexus</a>. </p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5>Course</h5><h6>Pelvis</h6><p>Within the obturator canal, it divides into anterior and posterior divisions. The anterior division exits from the obturator canal. The posterior division exits through obturator externus</p><h6>Medial compartment of thigh</h6><p>Adductor brevis separates the divisions of the obturator nerve:</p><p><strong>Anterior division</strong></p><p>Branches of the anterior division include:</p><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>obturator nerve</strong> is the major nerve of the medial compartment of the thigh. The nerve arises from the anterior divisions of L2-4 in the <a href="/articles/lumbar-plexus">lumbar plexus</a>. </p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5>Course</h5><h6>Pelvis</h6><p>Within the obturator canal, it divides into anterior and posterior divisions. The anterior division exits from the obturator canal. The posterior division exits through obturator externus</p><h6>Medial compartment of thigh</h6><p>The adductor brevis muscle separates the divisions of the obturator nerve:</p><p><strong>Anterior division</strong></p><p>Branches of the anterior division include:</p><ul>
  • -</ul><p><strong>Posterior division</strong></p><p>Branches of the posterior division supply</p><ul>
  • +</ul><p><strong>Posterior division</strong></p><p>Branches of the posterior division supply:</p><ul>
  • -</ul><h5>Subsartorial canal</h5><p>Branch of the anterior division contributes to the subsartorial nerve plexus (near insertion of adductor longus).</p><h4>Related pathology</h4><p>Injury to the obturator nerve weakens hip adduction and contribute to instability. Irritation of the nerve may result in pain in the medial thigh/knee. </p><p>Pathology can include direct trauma (i.e. childbirth) or pelvic pathology (i.e. tumor).</p><p>Nerve entrapment can occur within the obturator canal or as the nerve pierces obturator externus. </p><p> </p>
  • +</ul><h5>Subsartorial canal</h5><p>Branch of the anterior division contributes to the subsartorial nerve plexus (near insertion of adductor longus).</p><h4>Related pathology</h4><p>Injury to the obturator nerve weakens hip adduction and contributes to instability. Irritation of the nerve may result in pain in the medial thigh/knee. </p><p>Pathology can include direct trauma (i.e. childbirth) or pelvic pathology (i.e. tumor).</p><p>Nerve entrapment can occur within the obturator canal or as the nerve pierces the obturator externus muscle. </p><p> </p>

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