Omega epiglottis

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 12 Feb 2018

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The omega sign refers to the thickened aryepiglottic folds and epiglottis seen in epiglottitis, when the larynx is seen endoscopically or via laryngoscope, and not to the appearance on lateral plain films. CT would show the finding, but placing a child with epiglottitis supine to CT their neck is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous.

On lateral x-ray of the neck the epiglottis is thickened and appears thumb shaped-shaped rather than the usual thin leaf like-like outline (which is called thumb sign).

  • -<p>The <strong>omega sign</strong> refers to the thickened <a href="/articles/aryepiglottic-fold">aryepiglottic folds</a> and <a href="/articles/epiglottis">epiglottis </a>seen in <a href="/articles/epiglottitis">epiglottitis</a>, when the <a href="/articles/larynx_(textbook)">larynx </a>is seen endoscopically or via laryngoscope, and not to the appearance on lateral plain films. CT would show the finding, but placing a child with epiglottitis supine to CT their neck is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous.</p><p>On lateral x-ray of the neck the epiglottis is thickened and appears thumb shaped rather than the usual thin leaf like outline (which is called <a href="/articles/thumb-sign-of-epiglottitis">thumb sign</a>).</p>
  • +<p>The <strong>omega sign</strong> refers to the thickened <a href="/articles/aryepiglottic-fold">aryepiglottic folds</a> and <a href="/articles/epiglottis">epiglottis </a>seen in <a href="/articles/epiglottitis">epiglottitis</a>, when the <a href="/articles/larynx_(textbook)">larynx </a>is seen endoscopically or via laryngoscope, and not to the appearance on lateral plain films. CT would show the finding, but placing a child with epiglottitis supine to CT their neck is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous.</p><p>On lateral x-ray of the neck the epiglottis is thickened and appears thumb-shaped rather than the usual thin leaf-like outline (which is called <a href="/articles/thumb-sign-epiglottitis-1">thumb sign</a>).</p>

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