
Changed by Henry Knipe, 25 Feb 2016

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Photopsias are a visual phenomenon experienced by individuals with a variety of ocular or optic pathway pathology. In lay terms they represent flashing lights, and can be divided into unstructured or structured photopsias, the latter referring to geometric shapes 2



Causes of photopsia include 1

  • -<p><strong>Photopsias</strong> are a visual phenomenon experienced by individuals with a variety of ocular or optic pathway pathology. In lay terms they represent <strong>flashing lights</strong>, and can be divided into unstructured or structured photopsias, the latter referring to geometric shapes <sup>2</sup>. </p><p>Causes of photopsia include <sup>1</sup>: </p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Photopsias</strong> are a visual phenomenon experienced by individuals with a variety of ocular or optic pathway pathology. In lay terms they represent <strong>flashing lights</strong>, and can be divided into unstructured or structured photopsias, the latter referring to geometric shapes <sup>2</sup>. </p><h4>Pathology</h4><h5>Aetiology</h5><p>Causes of photopsia include <sup>1</sup>: </p><ul>
  • -<li>migraine</li>
  • +<li><a title="Migraine" href="/articles/migraine">migraine</a></li>

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  • refs
  • cases

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