T sign (obstetrics)

Changed by Karwan T. Khoshnaw, 18 Sep 2018

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The "T sign" is really the absence of a twin-peak sign(or lambda sign(λ) sign) and is used in ultrasound assessment of a multifetal pregnancy.

It refers to the lack of chorion extending between the layers of the intertwin membrane, denoting a monochorionic pregnancy. The intertwin membrane comes to an abrupt halt at the edge in a T configuration.

  • -<p>The "<strong>T sign</strong>" is really the absence of a <a href="/articles/twin-peak-sign-twin-pregnancy">twin-peak sign</a> (or lambda sign) and is used in ultrasound assessment of a <a href="/articles/twin-pregnancy-1">multifetal pregnancy</a>.</p><p>It refers to the lack of <a href="/articles/chorion">chorion</a> extending between the layers of the <a href="/articles/intertwin-membrane">intertwin membrane</a>, denoting a <a href="/articles/monochorionic-pregnancy">monochorionic pregnancy</a>. The intertwin membrane comes to an abrupt halt at the edge in a T configuration.</p>
  • +<p>The "<strong>T sign</strong>" is really the absence of a <a href="/articles/twin-peak-sign-twin-pregnancy">twin-peak sign</a> (or lambda (λ) sign) and is used in ultrasound assessment of a <a href="/articles/twin-pregnancy-1">multifetal pregnancy</a>.</p><p>It refers to the lack of <a href="/articles/chorion">chorion</a> extending between the layers of the <a href="/articles/intertwin-membrane">intertwin membrane</a>, denoting a <a href="/articles/monochorionic-pregnancy">monochorionic pregnancy</a>. The intertwin membrane comes to an abrupt halt at the edge in a T configuration.</p>

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