Yin-yang sign (vascular)

Changed by Rohit Sharma, 24 Jun 2018

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The yin-yang sign (also known as Pepsi sign)is is a radiological sign described in both true and false aneurysms on various imaging modalities. 

Radiographic features


On Doppler ultrasound, Thethe yin-yang sign indicates bidirectional flow due to the swirling of blood within the true or false aneurysm.


The patent portion of the lumen of the aneurysmal vessel demonstrates increased attenuation due to contrast enhancement, whereas athe other part of the lumen shows reduced attenuation due to mural thrombus.

History and etymology

It is named after the symbol representing the Chinese philosophers' thoughts to describe how opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent. It has also been likened to the logo for Pepsi, the well-known cola beverage.

  • -<p>The <strong>yin-yang sign (</strong>also known as <strong>Pepsi sign) </strong>is a radiological sign described in both <a href="/articles/true-aneurysm">true</a> and <a href="/articles/false-aneurysm">false aneurysms</a> on various imaging modalities. </p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>Ultrasound</h5><p>On Doppler ultrasound, The yin-yang sign indicates bidirectional flow due to the swirling of blood within the true or false aneurysm.</p><h5>CT</h5><p>The patent portion of the lumen of the aneurysmal vessel demonstrates increased attenuation due to contrast enhancement, whereas a part of the lumen shows reduced attenuation due to mural<span style="font-size:13px"> thrombus.</span></p><h4>History and etymology</h4><p>It is named after the symbol representing the Chinese philosophers' thoughts to describe how opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent. It has also been likened to the logo for Pepsi, the well-known cola beverage.</p>
  • +<p>The <strong>yin-yang sign</strong> (also known as <strong>Pepsi sign</strong>) is a radiological sign described in both <a href="/articles/true-aneurysm">true</a> and <a href="/articles/false-aneurysm">false aneurysms</a> on various imaging modalities. </p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>Ultrasound</h5><p>On Doppler ultrasound, the yin-yang sign indicates bidirectional flow due to the swirling of blood within the true or false aneurysm.</p><h5>CT</h5><p>The patent portion of the lumen of the aneurysmal vessel demonstrates increased attenuation due to contrast enhancement, whereas the other part of the lumen shows reduced attenuation due to mural thrombus.</p><h4>History and etymology</h4><p>It is named after the symbol representing the Chinese philosophers' thoughts to describe how opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent. It has also been likened to the logo for Pepsi, the well-known cola beverage.</p>

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