Infantile hemangioendothelioma

Case contributed by Naqibullah Foladi
Diagnosis probable


Abdominal distension and irritability.

Patient Data

Age: 1 year
Gender: Male

Numerous intensely enhancing variable-sized focal lesions replacing whole liver in post-contrast arterial phase showing filling in the portal and delayed phases.  The liver is enlarged in size, crossing midline and lower pole of the right kidney. Bowel loops are displaced inferiorly.

The normal appearance of the pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands was observed. The gall bladder is not visualized clearly. No dilatation of intra and extrahepatic biliary ducts is noted. No significant caliber changes in the abdominal aorta to suggest mid-aortic syndrome. No intraabdominal enlarged lymph node was apparent. No ascites.

Case Discussion

Numerous intensely enhancing variable-sized focal lesions replacing the entire liver. On post-contrast arterial phase the lesions show filling as well as in portal and delayed phases with significant hepatomegaly. The features are suggestive of diffuse infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma.

The patient was lost to followup as was referred to another facility.

This case is also contributed by Dr. Mohammad Tahir Aien.

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