Abductor tendon tear and bursitis after total hip arthroplasty

Case contributed by Reto Sutter , 7 Apr 2015
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Amir Rezaee, 7 Apr 2015

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:
  • Extensive abductor tendon tear at the greater trochanter: Thethe gluteus minimus tendon and the lateral portion of gluteus medius tendon are retracted, with a gap visible between the greater trochanter and the tendons on the STIR sequence.

  • Trochanteric bursitis: witharea of high STIR-hyperintense signal.
  •  signal intensity lateral to greater trochanter Fatty muscle degenerationand and atrophy: of the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscle on T1-weighted sequence.
  • Hip arthroplasty: without periprosthetic fracture or adjacent bone marrow edemaoedema. However, there is communication between the trochanteric bursitis and the joint effusion.

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