Aortic dissection

Case contributed by David Carroll , 20 Dec 2020
Diagnosis certain
Changed by David Carroll, 21 Dec 2020
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Presentation was changed:
50 year old female presenting with moderate intensity, non-radiating left upper thoracic back pain with exquisite paravertebral tenderness to palpation on exam. Slightly hypertensive without other vital sign abnormalitiesS/O "sweats" at onset. BP 185/82, VS otherwise wnl. Extremities warm, skin moist. Carotid and radial pulses 2+ and equal.

Updates to Freetext Attributes

Description was added:

Vitals unchanged at 1 hour reassessment, partial symptomatic improvement after administration of topical lidocaine (patch to affected area), oral diazepam, and acetaminophen. Appears in mild painful distress while quietly seated. Repeat physical exam unchanged from prior. Perform a focused bedside ultrasound of the heart, abdomen, and retroperitoneum.

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After diagnostic confirmation additional large bore vascular access was started, STAT surgical consult requested, and an esmolol bolus/infusion administered, titrating frequently to target a HR<60 and an SBP 100-120. Analgesia achieved with fentanyl pushes. A right radial arterial line was placed. Nicardipine drip started after failing to reach target with esmolol. Hemodynamic targets achieved shortly after nitroprusside infusion started. Transferred to surgical ICU for medical management.

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