Chronic recurrent sialodenitis with complications

Case contributed by Nafisa Shakir Batta , 6 Aug 2016
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Nafisa Shakir Batta, 6 Aug 2016

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Chronic recurrent sialodenitis with complications
Status changed from draft to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Body was changed:

Sialography was performed for this patient after cannulation of both Stenson's ducts of the parotid glandsglands and revealed sialodochitisenlarged parotids, sialodochitis with ductal strictures, duct ectasia (sialectasia), sialocele formation ( intraparenchymal cavities in parotid gland), and large periductal diverticulum.

  • -<p>Sialography was performed for this patient after cannulation of both Stenson's ducts of the parotid glands and revealed sialodochitis with ductal strictures, duct ectasia (sialectasia), sialocele formation ( intraparenchymal cavities in parotid gland), and large periductal diverticulum.</p>
  • +<p><a title="Sialography" href="/articles/sialography">Sialography</a> was performed for this patient after cannulation of both Stenson's ducts of the <a title="Parotid gland" href="/articles/parotid-gland">parotid gland</a>s and revealed <a title="Parotid gland enlargement" href="/articles/parotid-enlargement">enlarged parotid</a>s, sialodochitis with ductal strictures, duct ectasia (sialectasia), sialocele formation ( intraparenchymal cavities in parotid gland), and large periductal diverticulum.</p>

Tags changed:

  • xray
  • sialogram
  • flouroscopy

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Spectrum of findings,commensurate with chronic recurrent sialodenitis

Sialodochitis with strictures, duct ectasia (sialectasia), sialocele formation ( intraparenchymal cavities in parotid gland), and large periductal diverticulum.

No calculus was seen. No fistula discernible. Also considering the lack of fever, there was little possiblity of any one of these cavities to be abcess.

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