Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm

Case contributed by Kehinde Lawal , 25 Dec 2022
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Kehinde Lawal, 25 Dec 2022
Disclosures - updated 25 Dec 2022: Nothing to disclose

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Status changed from draft to pending review.
Body was changed:

Turbulent flow noticed within the cystic mass, connected to the superficial femoral artery through a thin neck

Pathognomonic yingyang pattern seen on colour Doppler was diagnostic for pseudoaneurysm.

This was repaired with open surgery

  • -<p>Turbulent flow noticed within the cystic mass, connected to the superficial femoral artery through a thin neck </p><p>Pathognomonic yingyang pattern seen on colour Doppler</p>
  • +<p>Turbulent flow noticed within the cystic mass, connected to the superficial femoral artery through a thin neck</p><p>Pathognomonic yingyang pattern seen on colour Doppler was diagnostic for pseudoaneurysm.</p><p>This was repaired with open surgery</p>
Age was set to 45.

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