Follicular thyroid cancer metastasis

Case contributed by Rodney Strahan , 26 Apr 2016
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Matt A. Morgan, 5 Dec 2016

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Presentation was changed:
PersentedPresented with enlarging neck mass affecting breathing. Had headskull mass for 2two years.
Age changed from 46 to 46 years.
Body was changed:

PatientThe patient presented with increasingan enlarging neck mass causing beathingbreathing difficulties. HadShe had not presented withsought treatment for large head masses which had been present for years.

Biopsy of neck and head masses reported as most likely follicular thyroid carcinoma.

  • -<p>Patient presented with increasing neck mass causing beathing difficulties. Had not presented with large head masses which had been present for years.</p><p>Biopsy of neck and head masses reported as most likely follicular thyroid carcinoma.</p>
  • +<p>The patient presented with an enlarging neck mass causing breathing difficulties. She had not sought treatment for large head masses which had been present for years.</p><p>Biopsy of neck and head masses reported as most likely <a title="Follicular thyroid carcinoma" href="/articles/follicular-thyroid-cancer">follicular thyroid carcinoma</a>.</p>

Tags changed:

  • metastasis
  • skull radiograph
  • thyroid cancer

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Large skull soft tissue masses with destruction of frontoparietalfrontal and occipitalparietal bones. Fragments of boneOsseous fragments scattered through the largest superior mass.

Deviated trachea to right on frontal projection due to neck mass.

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