Giant cerebral tuberculoma

Case contributed by Ali Almutamaiz , 25 May 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ali Almutamaiz, 29 Aug 2023
Disclosures - updated 31 Mar 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Large enhancing intra-axial mass/collection with peripheral enhancement in the left frontal and parietal lobe, involving the left basal ganglia, with areas of calcification in the medial aspect. Perilesional vasogenic oedema involving the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, crossing the midline in the frontal region, compressing the left lateral ventricle, and effacing the third ventricle, with midline shift and resultant right ventricular hydrocephalus. Oedema extends to the upper part of the brainstem.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

A large mass lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere with marked adjacent vasogenic oedema simulates a tumoural mass. The thin, regular peripheral wall enhancement generally argues against a tumour, favouring infection. Calcification can be seen in both tumours and infectious lesions.

Tuberculomas (confirmed pathologically) are usually smaller but can be this large.

Acknowledgments: Dr.Ali Shraf Al-dine & Dr.yousif.Yousif Al-madani (neurosurgeon), Dr. Abdulatif Magram (radiology specialist), Dr. Wael Al-Absi (pathology specialist).

  • -<p>A large mass lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere with marked adjacent vasogenic oedema simulates a tumoural mass. The thin, regular peripheral wall enhancement generally argues against a tumour, favouring infection. Calcification can be seen in both tumours and infectious lesions.</p><p><a href="/articles/tuberculoma" title="Tuberculomas">Tuberculomas</a> (confirmed pathologically) are usually smaller but can be this large.</p><p>Acknowledgments: Dr.Ali Shraf Al-dine &amp; Dr.yousif Al-madani (neurosurgeon), Dr. Abdulatif Magram (radiology specialist), Dr. Wael Al-Absi (pathology specialist).</p>
  • +<p>A large mass lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere with marked adjacent vasogenic oedema simulates a tumoural mass. The thin, regular peripheral wall enhancement generally argues against a tumour, favouring infection. Calcification can be seen in both tumours and infectious lesions.</p><p><a href="/articles/tuberculoma" title="Tuberculomas">Tuberculomas</a> (confirmed pathologically) are usually smaller but can be this large.</p><p>Acknowledgments: Dr.Ali Shraf Al-dine &amp; Dr.Yousif Al-madani (neurosurgeon), Dr. Abdulatif Magram (radiology specialist), Dr. Wael Al-Absi (pathology specialist).</p>

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