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2,954 results found

Artery of Percheron

The artery of Percheron is a variant of the posterior cerebral circulation characterized by a solitary arterial trunk that supplies blood to the paramedian thalami and the rostral midbrain bilaterally. From the original classification of arterial patterns at the origin of the paramedian arteries...

Grades of periventricular leukomalacia

One of the methods used for grading periventricular leukomalacia on sonographic appearance is as follows 1: grade 1: areas of increased periventricular echogenicity without any cyst formation persisting for more than 7 days grade 2: the echogenicity has developed into small periventricular cys...

Wallerian degeneration

Wallerian degeneration is the process of antegrade degeneration of the axons and their accompanying myelin sheaths following proximal axonal or neuronal cell body lesions. It may result following neuronal loss due to cerebral infarction, trauma, necrosis, focal demyelination, or hemorrhage.  Pa...

Oligoastrocytoma (historical)

Oligoastrocytomas is a historical term no longer recognized in the current WHO classification of CNS tumors previously to denote intracranial tumors that are part of the glial cell continuum, with mixed oligodendroglial and astrocytic cell populations based on histological features and typically...

Demyelinating disorders

Demyelinating disorders are a subgroup of white matter disorders characterized by the destruction or damage of normally myelinated structures. These disorders may be inflammatory, infective, ischemic or toxic in origin and include 1-7: autoimmune demyelination multiple sclerosis (MS) Marburg ...


Nigrosomes are small clusters of dopaminergic cells within the substantia nigra that exhibit calbindin D28K negativity on immunohistochemistry. Five nigrosomes measuring up to a few millimeters in size have been described with the largest labeled as nigrosome-1 1. Nigrosome-1 Nigrosome-1 withi...


Anthrax is a zoonosis caused by Bacillus anthracis. There are four types of anthrax: inhalational anthrax (also known as woolsorter's disease and ragsorter's disease), cutaneous anthrax, injection anthrax and intestinal anthrax. Epidemiology The disease burden of anthrax decreased so dramatica...

Anterior temporal lobe perivascular spaces

Anterior temporal lobe perivascular spaces, also known as opercular perivascular spaces, are special variants of tumefactive perivascular spaces, which can mimic cystic tumors with surrounding edema. Epidemiology A predilection for women has been reported 1. Age range is wide, from 24 to 86 ye...

Persistent primitive trigeminal artery

Persistent primitive trigeminal artery (PPTA) is the most common type of the four persistent carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses. It is present in 0.1-0.6% of cerebral angiograms and is usually unilateral. In utero, the trigeminal artery supplies the basilar artery before the development of the...

Conjoined nerve root

Conjoined nerve roots are the most common nerve root developmental anomaly of the cauda equina, being twice as common as two roots in the same foramen, the next most common anomaly. Epidemiology The incidence in cadaveric studies is ~10% (range 8-14%) 2, and in one prospective MRI study was 6%...


A ganglioneuroblastoma is a transitional tumor of the sympathetic nervous system which lies on the intermediate spectrum of disease between a well-differentiated, low-grade, ganglioneuroma and an undifferentiated, high-grade, neuroblastoma 6. Epidemiology They are seen more commonly in childre...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (more commonly known as the DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is the most widely used guide to psychiatric diseases in clinical practice and research globally. The first edition was published in 1952; the lates...

Fazekas scale for white matter lesions

The Fazekas scale is used to simply quantify the amount of white matter T2 hyperintense lesions usually attributed to chronic small vessel ischemia, although clearly, not all such lesions are due to this. This classification was proposed by Fazekas et al. in 1987 1 and remains a very widely use...

Intracranial arterial fenestration

Intracranial arterial fenestration refers to segmental duplication of the intracranial arteries. They may be contrasted to arterial duplication, which consists of two distinct vessels with separate origins and no downstream convergence. They are rare anomalies, felt to result from incomplete fus...

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