Foregut duplication cyst

Changed by Yaïr Glick, 13 Sep 2017

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Foregut duplication cysts are type congenital in nature andduplication cyst. They are sometimes classified under bronchopulmonary foregutbroncho-pulmonary  foregut malformations. Entities

Entities that fall under foregutforgut duplication cysts include:


During differentiation in the third week of fetal development the foregut undergoes dichotomy and by the fourth week a primitive diverticula arises from the ventral part of the cranial foregut. Two laryngotracheal ridges form between the diverticula and dorsal foregut and later fuse together to become laryngotracheal septum. This septum divides the primitive foregut into a dorsal esophagus and the ventral respiratory laryngotracheal tube. The dorsal tube goes on to develop esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, gall bladder and the pancreas.The ventral tube forms a primitive lung bud at its caudal end which differentiates by the seventh week to form bronchopulmonary buds and later the lungs by repeated bifurcation and differentiation.[8] Underlying basis of the foregut and bronchogenic cysts have been hypothesized to be abnormal pinching of the buds from the portion of the foregut destined for the respiratory differentiation. The formation of enteric cysts, duplication cysts and true tubular duplications have been attributed to the various theories including neurentric canals, split notochord, persistent vacoulation theory, accessory lung bud theory, presence of the mucosal diverticula or the faulty separation of the endoderm and notochord, early in the development. [8]

See also

  • -<p><strong>Foregut duplication cysts</strong> are congenital in nature and are sometimes classified under <a href="/articles/broncho-pulmonary-foregut-malformations">bronchopulmonary foregut malformations</a>. Entities that fall under foregut duplication cysts include:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Foregut duplication cysts</strong> are type congenital duplication cyst. They are sometimes classified under <a href="/articles/broncho-pulmonary-foregut-malformations">broncho-pulmonary  foregut malformations</a>.</p><p>Entities that fall under forgut duplication cysts include:</p><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/lingual-duplication-cysts">lingual duplication cysts</a> (rare) <sup>4</sup>
  • +<a href="/articles/lingual-duplication-cysts">lingual duplication cysts</a> - rare <sup>4</sup>
  • -<a href="/articles/gastric-duplication-cyst">gastric duplication cysts</a> (rare) <sup>6-7</sup> </li>
  • +<a href="/articles/gastric-duplication-cyst">gastric duplication cysts</a> - rare <sup>6-7</sup>
  • +</li>
  • -</ul><h4>Embryogenesis-</h4><p>During differentiation in the third week of fetal development the foregut undergoes dichotomy and by the fourth week a primitive diverticula arises from the ventral part of the cranial foregut. Two laryngotracheal ridges form between the diverticula and dorsal foregut and later fuse together to become laryngotracheal septum. This septum divides the primitive foregut into a dorsal esophagus and the ventral respiratory laryngotracheal tube. The dorsal tube goes on to develop esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, gall bladder and the pancreas.<sup>  </sup>The ventral tube forms a primitive lung bud at its caudal end which differentiates by the seventh week to form bronchopulmonary buds and later the lungs by repeated bifurcation and differentiation.<sup>[8]</sup><br> Underlying basis of the foregut and bronchogenic cysts have been hypothesized to be abnormal pinching of the buds from the portion of the foregut destined for the respiratory differentiation. The formation of enteric cysts, duplication cysts and true tubular duplications have been attributed to the various theories including neurentric canals, split notochord, persistent vacoulation theory, accessory lung bud theory, presence of the mucosal diverticula or the faulty separation of the endoderm and notochord, early in the development. <sup>[8]</sup></p><h4>
  • +</ul><h4>

References changed:

  • 8. Sharma S, Nezakatgoo N, Sreenivasan P, Vanatta J, Jabbour N. Foregut cystic developmental malformation: New taxonomy and classification - Unifying embryopathological concepts. Indian J Pathol Microbiol [serial online] 2009 [cited 2017 Sep 12];52:461-72. Available from:
  • Sharma S, Nezakatgoo N, Sreenivasan P, Vanatta J, Jabbour N. Foregut cystic developmental malformation: New taxonomy and classification - Unifying embryopathological concepts. Indian J Pathol Microbiol [serial online] 2009 [cited 2017 Sep 12];52:461-72. Available from:

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