Jackstone calculi

Case contributed by Evangeline Collins
Diagnosis certain


The patient presented to accident and emergency department (A&E) following a fall at home, complaining of pain in the right buttock and groin, with a query of possible fracture.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

No evidence of fracture identified.

Radiographic findings reveal moderate bilateral hip osteoarthritis with CAM deformities.

Irregular calcifications are noted overlying the anatomical bladder, possibly indicative of calculi, including the Jackstone variety.

Urinary tract - non-contrast


Large 2.2 cm bladder calculus (Jackstone calculi).

Multiple further small bilateral calyceal calculi.

No hydroureter or hydronephrosis.

Case Discussion

Jackstone calculi are a type of bladder stone with spiculated edges, which is said to resemble toy jacks.

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