Spinoglenoid and suprascapular notch cyst

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis almost certain


Pain in shoulder

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Large paralabral cyst is seen extending into spinoglenoid / suprascapular notch, measuring approx 11 x 30 x 45mm (AP x TR x CC). It appears to communicate with postero-superior glenoid labrum at approx. 11'o clock position. Superiorly the cyst is abutting supraspinatus muscle and extending up to inferior aspects of clavicle; superomedially it is abutting coracoid process of scapula; posteriorly it is abutting infraspinatus muscle.

Subtle edema is seen in infraspinatus muscle, likely due to compression of suprascapular nerve in spinoglenoid notch. No obvious evidence of reduced bulk or fatty atrophy is seen.

SLAP tear is seen from approx 10-1 'o clock position.

Small focal erosion is seen in the bony glenoid at approx 12'o clock position.

Tendinosis of intracapsular segment of biceps tendon is seen with possible interstitial tear in biceps anchor.

Supraspinatus tendinosis is seen with no obvious sizable tear.

Case Discussion

A large paralabral spinoglenoid notch cyst also extending to suprascapular notch and causing early denervation edema in infraspinatus muscle due to compression of suprascapular nerve.

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